Investigaciones derivadas
Notas publicadas en medios de todo el mundo en las que se analiza la repercusión del material desclasificado por el juez Vince Chhabria
Investigaciones derivadas de los Monsanto Papers
- Les “Monsanto Papers”, à la base de la controverse sur le glyphosate, by Stéphane Foucart (Le Monde) (8.11.18)
- One man’s suffering exposed Monsanto’s secrets to the world, by Carey Gillam (Guardian) (8.11.18)
- Monsanto ordered to pay $289m as jury rules weedkiller caused man’s cancer, by Sam Levin (Guardian) (8.10.18)
- Secret Documents Expose Monsanto’s War on Cancer Scientists, by Stacy Malkan (USRTK) (7.12.18)
- Monsanto ‘bullied scientists’ and hid weedkiller cancer risk, lawyer tells court, by Sam Levin (Guardian) (7.9.18)
- Monsanto’s Ghostwriting and Strong-arming Threaten Sound Science — and Society, by Sheldon Krimsky (Environmental Health News) (6.26.18)
- Man vs. Monsanto: First Trial Over Roundup Cancer Claims Set to Begin, by Carey Gillam (6.18.18)
- Roundup litigation discovery documents: implications for public health and journal ethics, by Sheldon Krimsky and Carey Gillam (Journal of Public Health Policy) (6.8.18)
- Landmark Lawsuit Claims Monsanto Hid Cancer Danger of Weedkiller for Decades, by Carey Gillam (Guardian) (5.22.18) | VER TRADUCCIÓN |
- The Monsanto Papers: Poisoning the Scientific Well, by Leemon McHenry (International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine) (5.21.18)
- L’homme de Monsanto (Le Vif/L’Express) (5.2.18)
- Plaintiffs brief countering Monsanto on EPA pre-emption (7 pages) (4.16.18)
- Risks associated with glyphosate weedkiller resurface, by Stéphane Foucart and Stéphane Horel (Nature) (3.21.18)
- Monsanto says its pesticides are safe. Now, a court wants to see the proof, by Carey Gillam (Guardian) (3.5.18) | VER TRADUCCIÓN |
- Monsanto demands Avaaz hand over all of its campaign data, by Arthur Neslen (Guardian) (2.23.18) | VER TRADUCCIÓN |
- Monsanto Mouthpieces: House Science Committee, EPA, EU-EFSA, by Jennifer Sass (NRDC) (2.20.18)
- Spinning Science and Silencing Scientists: a Case Study in how the Chemical Industry Attempts to Influence Science, by the minority staff of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives (2.6.18)
- Corporate Power, Not Public Interest, at Root of Upcoming House Science Committee Hearing, by Carey Gillam (Environmental Health News) (2.5.18) | VER TRADUCCIÓN |
- Corporate-spun science should not be guiding policy, by Carey Gillam (Undark) (11.28.2017) | VER TRADUCCIÓN |
- Comment Monsanto a financé des scientifiques en Europe pour défendre le glyphosate, by Aude Massiot (Liberation) (11.27.17)
- Glyphosate: révélations sur les failles de l’expertise européenne, by Stéphane Foucart and Stéphane Horel (Le Monde) (11.26.17)
- Quand Monsanto qualifiait de “science pourrie” la dernière étude dédouanant le glyphosate, by Stéphane Foucart and Stéphane Horel (Le Monde) (11.26.17)
- The Monsanto Papers, Part 2: Reaping a Bitter Harvest, by Stéphane Foucart and Stéphane Horel, translated into English (Le Monde/Environmental Health News) (11.21.17) | VER TRADUCCIÓN |
- The Monsanto Papers, Part 1: Operation Intoxication, by Stéphane Foucart and Stéphane Horel, translated into English (Le Monde/Environmental Health News) (11.20.17) | VER TRADUCCIÓN |
- Ackerchemikalie Glyphosat: Hat Monsanto Behörden manipuliert? By Nicolai Kwasniewski (Der Spiegel) (11.9.17)
- Monsanto Accused of Ignoring Relevant Scientific Data on Glyphosate, by Simon Marks (Politico) (11.4.17) | VER TRADUCCIÓN |
- How Monsanto Captured the EPA (And Twisted Science) to Keep Glyphosate on the Market, by Valerie Brown and Elizabeth Grossman (In These Times) (11.1.17) | VER TRADUCCIÓN |
- Monsanto Faces Blowback Over Cancer Coverup, by Philip Bethge (Der Spiegel) (10.24.17) | VER TRADUCCIÓN |
- Did Monsanto Ignore Evidence Linking Its Weedkiller to Cancer? By Rene Ebersole (The Nation) (10.12.17) | VER TRADUCCIÓN |
- ‘Monsanto Papers werpen licht op wellicht grootste bedrijfsschandaal ooit’, by Bart Staes (Knack) (10.11.17)
- Hat Monsanto Wissenschaftler gekauft? By Annika Joeres (Zeit Online) (10.11.17)
- European Parliament hearing on the Monsanto Papers and glyphosate (10.11.17)
- EU agencies accused of cherry-picking evidence in glyphosate assessment, by Paola Tamma (Euractiv) (10.10.17)
- “Monsanto papers”: les agences sous l’influence de la firme, by Stéphane Foucart and Stéphane Horel (Le Monde) (10.5.17)
- Soupçons sur les substances ajoutées au glyphosate dans les “produits formulés”, by Stéphane Horel and Stéphane Foucart (10.5.17)
- “Monsanto Papers”: des dérives inadmissibles (Le Monde) (10.5.17)
- “Monsanto papers”: désinformation organisée autour du glyphosate, by Stéphane Foucart and Stéphane Horel (Le Monde) (10.4.17)
- How Monsanto Manufactured “Outrage” at Chemical Cancer Classification It Expected, by Carey Gillam (EcoWatch) (9.19.17) | VER TRADUCCIÓN |
- Collusion or Coincidence? Records Show EPA Efforts to Slow Herbicide Review Came in Coordination with Monsanto, by Carey Gillam (Huffington Post) (8.17.17) | VER TRADUCCIÓN |
- Monsanto was its own ghostwriter for some safety reviews, by Peter Waldman, Tiffany Stecker and Joel Rosenblatt (Bloomberg Businessweek) (8.9.17) | VER TRADUCCIÓN |
- Internal EPA Documents Show Scramble for Data on Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide, by Carey Gillam (8.7.17) | VER TRADUCCIÓN |
- The Swamp, by Evaggelos Vallianatos (Huffington Post) (8.4.17) | VER TRADUCCIÓN |
- Uncovered: Monsanto campaign to get Séralini study retracted (GMWatch) (8.2.17) | VER TRADUCCIÓN |
- Monsanto’s sway over research is seen in disclosed emails, by Danny Hakim (New York Times) (8.1.17)
- Newly released “Monsanto papers” add to questions of regulatory collusion, scientific mischief, by Carey Gillam (Huffington Post) (8.1.17)
- Does the world’s top weedkiller cause cancer? Trump’s EPA will decide, by Peter Waldman, Lydia Mulvany, Tiffany Stecker and Joel Rosenblatt (Bloomberg Businessweek) (7.13.17)
- Monsanto’s foes are branching out, by Tiffany Stecker (Bloomberg BNA) (6.27.17) | VER TRADUCCIÓN |
- Monsanto spin doctors target cancer scientist in flawed Reuters story, by Carey Gillam (Huffington Post) (6.16.17)
- Of mice, Monsanto and a mysterious tumor, by Carey Gillam (Environmental Health News) (6.8.17)
- FDA resumes testing foods for weed killer, safety questions grow, by Carey Gillam (Huffington Post) (6.7.17)
- The EPA’s inspector general is probing whether an agency staffer colluded with Monsanto, by Paul Thacker (Huffington Post) (6.6.17)
- “Monsanto Papers”: la bataille de l’information, by Stéphane Foucart and Stéphane Horel (Le Monde) (6.2.17)
- “Monsanto Papers”: la guerre du géant des pesticide contre la science, by Stéphane Foucart and Stéphane Horel (Le Monde) (6.1.17)
- Opération intoxication: les réseaux de Monsanto, by Floriane Picard, Stéphane Horel and Elisa Bellanger (Le Monde) (6.1.17)
- Cancer expert defiant in weedkiller row, by Jerome Starkey (Times of London) (5.30.17)
- Glyphosate et cancer: des études clé ont été sous-estimées par l’expertise européenne, by Stéphane Horel and Stéphane Foucart (Le Monde) (5.29.17)
- EFSA dismissed glyphosate cancer study after unsupported ‘viral infection’ slur by ex-EPA official, by Claire Robinson (Ecologist) (5.25.17)
- EU declares Monsanto weedkiller safe after intervention from controversial US official, by Arthur Neslen (Guardian) (5.24.17)
- US court documents show Monsanto manager led cancer cover up for glyphosate and PCBs (Sustainable Pulse) (5.19.17)
- Judge sides with ex-EPA employee in Monsanto cancer suit, by Tiffany Stecker and Robert Burnson (Bloomberg BNA) (5.17.17)
- Patients: Roundup gave us cancer as EPA official helped the company, by Holly Yan (CNN) (5.16.2017)
- Discussion on setting up of a special inquiry committee on the “Monsanto Papers” (MEPs Against Cancer) (5.9.17)
- Did Monsanto Hire Online Trolls to Attack Critics? by Chris Crowley (Grub Street) (5.8.17)
- EU Weed Killer Evidence “Written by Monsanto,” by Vincent Harmsen (EU Observer) (5.2.17)
- Monsanto Accused of Hiring Army of Trolls to Silence Online Dissent — Court Papers (RT) (5.2.17)
- E&C Dems Urge Walden to Investigate EPA’s Permitting of Toxic Chemicals (4.3.17)
- Inside the Academic Journal That Corporations Love, by Paul Thacker (Pacific Standard) (3.28.17)
- Split Within EPA on Glyphosate Carcinogenicity, by Jennifer Sass (NRDC) (3.28.17)
- Monsanto Knowingly Sold Human Carcinogen to Consumers (The Young Turks) (3.27.17)
- Letter on glyphosate from Members of the European Parliament to European Commission President Jean-Claude Junker (3.24.17)
- “Monsanto Papers”: des eurodéputés veulent la révision de l’expertise du glyphosate, by Stéphane Foucart (Le Monde) (3.24.17)
- Roundup Lawsuits Raise Doubts About EPA’s Integrity, by Matthew Renda (Courthouse News) (3.20.17)
- Ce que les “Monsanto Papers” rélèvent du Roundup, by Stéphane Foucart (Le Monde) (3.18.17)
- Monsanto Weed Killer Deserves Deeper Scrutiny As Scientific Manipulation Revealed, by Carey Gillam (Huffington Post/USRTK) (3.17.17)
- Les experts européens blanchissent le glyphosate, by Stéphane Foucart (Le Monde) (3.16.17)
- Unsealed Documents Raise Questions on Monsanto Weed Killer, by Danny Hakim (New York Times) (3.15.17)
- Glyphosate: discorde à l’agence de protection de l’environnement américaine, by Stéphane Foucart (Le Monde) (3.14.17)
- EPA Official Accused of Helping Monsanto “Kill” Cancer Study, by Joel Rosenblatt, Lydia Mulvany and Peter Waldman (Bloomberg) (3.14.17) | VER TRADUCCIÓN |
- Monsanto Accused of Ghostwriting Papers on Roundup Cancer Risk, by Joel Rosenblatt (Bloomberg) (3.14.17)
- Plaintiffs in U.S. Lawsuit Say Monsanto Ghostwrote Roundup Studies, by Brendan Pierson (Reuters) (3.14.17)
- Monsanto did not ghostwrite the Williams et al. (2000) glyphosate paper (Monsanto blog) (3.14.17)
- Judge Threatens to Sanction Monsanto for Secrecy in Roundup Cancer Litigation, by Carey Gillam (Huffington Post/USRTK)) (3.10.17)
- Monsanto Cancer Suits Turn to EPA Deputy’s “Suspicious” Role, by Joel Rosenblatt (Bloomberg) (2.27.17)
- Questions Raised About EPA-Monsanto Collusion Raised in Cancer Lawsuits, by Carey Gillam (Huffington Post/USRTK) (2.13.17)
- Monsanto, EPA Seek to Keep Talks About Glyphosate Cancer Review a Secret, by Carey Gillam (Huffington Post/USRTK) (1.18.17)

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